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Gazing into the (recruitment) crystal ball: The 12 top trends to watch out for in 2024

February 6, 2024

2023. What a year. Alongside experiencing global disasters like wars, a cost of living crisis and natural disasters, HR also saw an unsteady period of time with the ongoing skills crisis, industry layoffs, hiring freezes and much more.

But what’s to come in 2024? And how will this impact recruitment and talent acquisition?

Listen to our new webinar as Emma Hatto — Thrive’s CCO & Co-Founder —  gazes into his crystal ball and predicts 12 of the most important recruitment trends we expect to see this year, the impact they’ll have on businesses, and actionable tips so that you can stay ahead of the curve.

Based on our latest white paper, Emma will discuss:

  • The continued rise of AI and ways to use it effectively for hiring
  • The importance of eliminating bias
  • Whether university degrees and CVs are really needed anymore

…and much more!

Further reading: [White Paper] The future of recruitment: The 12 top trends to watch out for in 2024

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