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White paper

The future of recruitment: The 12 top trends to watch out for in 2024

January 23, 2024

Did you know that the cost of a bad hire is estimated to be 3x higher than the salary paid?

As we enter 2024, it's time to look into the future to assess the direction recruitment will go this year.

In this white paper, we have delved into 12 of the most important recruitment trends we expect to see in 2024, the impact they’ll have on businesses and actionable tips so that you can stay ahead of the curve.

With tips and opinions from recruitment, AI, and psychometrics experts, our white paper will give HR professionals, recruiters, and business leaders all the information that they need to make 2024 their year.

Read our white paper to find out:

  • The top 3 competencies businesses look for
  • ️Whether you should incorporate AI into your recruitment
  • ️How to make your process more data-driven
  • ️The modern role of CVs and university degrees
  • ️How you can stay ahead of the curve in 2024

Further reading: [Webinar] Gazing into the (recruitment) crystal ball: The 12 top trends to watch out for in 2024

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